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Let’s send a fan letter to れぷちん!
About fan letter


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Fan letter

You can send a fan letter to the streamer you support. Choose your favorite design, write your message, decorate it with Yell items, and send it to the distributor!

The fan letter function is a paid service.

Set to pinned movie

You can pin one video (live, coming-up, archived, uploaded) displayed on My Page to the top of the page. This can be set from the menu next to the video title.

Select movie playlist

You can place the videos in a list at the top of My Page when you select one Movie Playlist.
Select movie playlist

Select movie playlist

There is no playlist. Playlists can be created in the video playback screen.

There are no movie playlists.

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Subs Share

You can gift 1 month subscription of the supporting streamer to other viewers. The gift will be automatically sent to viewers for the number of shares set in the yell.

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Subs Share