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Personal data registration
Birth year and month can not be changed once you register.
Registered information will be used for the purpose of service improvement.
Registration of birth year and month is required to use some services.
Registered information will not be publicly shown.
Enter Confirmation Code
We have sent an email to Email address. Please enter the six-digit confirmation code provided in the email in 30 minutes.
Please make sure that emails from “openrec.tvdomain and domain” are set to not be rejected/filtered to spam.
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Choose a problem
Choose a problem
Obscene expressition
Slanderous expression
Copyright infringements
Privacy infrigments
Act of violence or self-harm
Act of inducting dating
Ponzi scheme or MLM
Political, religious or racial contents
other problem
We will check if reported contents is violating terms of serviceTo use this function immoderately is also violating terms of service.
Subs Share
You can gift 1 month subscription of the supporting streamer to other viewers. The gift will be automatically sent to viewers for the number of shares set in the yell.